Central Queens Soccer Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Epicure Fundraiser for much needed Clubhouse renovations


Fundraiser details

Dear Parents,
The Central Queens Clipper’s Soccer Club is participating in a fundraiser to raise money for many upcoming initiatives including major renovations to the clubhouse this coming fall. This year, we are asking for your help in selling healthy dip mixes from Epicure Selections.
Epicure Selections® is a 100% Canadian, family-owned, woman-led company offering the highest quality spice blends and dip mixes for the health-conscious consumer. The products are 100% guaranteed peanut free, gluten free and contain no added MSG. We will be selling Epicure Selections® Extraordinary Cheese Dip Kits which includes three bottles of delicious dip mixes (3 Onion; Lemon Dilly; Cheese, Chives & Bacon) and a recipe booklet attractively packaged in a reusable cloth bag. The kits sell to the customer for $20.00 each, taxes and shipping included. Normally, our Club would keep $5.00 per unit sold. However, Amanda MacIntyre, Independent Epicure Consultant, has generously offered to donate an additional $2.50 of her commission. This means we will earn a total of $7.50 per kit sold! 
The fundraiser sale will run from Monday, June 23rd to Monday, July 14th. Amanda will be set up at our house league night on June 30th to provide samples of the dips for us to try.  Order forms will be sent home with your child on this date.  All orders, including payment, must be turned into the clubhouse or your respective coaches by Monday, July 14th. Both cash and cheques are accepted and cheques can be made out to the “Central Queens Clipper’s Soccer Club”. Players will be asked to collect payment of $20.00 upon receiving orders and can inform the customer that orders will be delivered to them by Wednesday, July 23rd.
You can help your child achieve our goal of raising money for the Club by:
  • Purchasing your own delicious, versatile, healthy dip mix selections
  • Helping your child connect with other potential Customers using social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter – particularly friends, relatives, neighbours, co-workers and other community members. The Club will be setting up an event page for you to share will all the information on the Fundraiser!
  • Walking door-to-door with your child to help them sell the Fundraisers in your neighbourhood
Thank you in advance for supporting our fundraiser and helping us complete these much needed renovations for the Club!

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